Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is our policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website,, and any other sites we own and operate.

Personal information

We only ask for personal information when we truly need it to provide the service to you. We collect it by fair and lawful means, with your knowledge and consent. We also let you know why we're collecting it and how it will be used.

We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide you with your requested service. What data we store, we protect within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.

You are free to refuse our request for your personal information, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some or all of our service.

All personal records, including your keys, email metadata, and any email content, is encrypted at rest in our database.


If you are an EU resident then you have the right at any time to request all the personal information we have for you as dictated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Under the same regulation, we will also delete any or all of this information at your request.

If you are not an EU resident then we will still provide this information to you if you ask for it, because we believe you should have these rights regardless of where in the world you live.

In addition, you can choose to delete your account from the profile page, which results in your data being automatically removed irreversibly from our system and your browser.

The Service

Emails and content


For users only using the service to unsubscribe, we do not store content of any of your emails on our servers in any form.

When we scan your inbox, your emails are passed directly to you and stored by your browser while you are logged in. When you log out, this data is cleared permanently and irrevocably. The next time you log in, it will be re-fetched from your email provider(s).

Performing scans like this means we do not need to store the content of your emails on our servers.

That said, we do store specific metadata of your emails in order to identify if you have unsubscribed from a subscription previously. This is limited only to recipient and sender email addresses of the subscription emails that you have unsubscribed from, as well as timestamp, and is encrypted by an industry standard AES256 cipher.

We are dedicated to upholding the privacy of your information and agree to never do anything with this email metadata except provide you an excellent service through this website.


For our Rollups feature, when you add an email sender to a Rollup (and that Rollup is enabled), we fetch the content for emails that you have received from that sender in the last 7 days (maximum).

Until the Rollup is disabled, deleted, or the sender is removed, we fetch and store the content of emails that you receive from that sender, as you receive them into your connected email account(s).

This email content is only used to build your Rollup, and is retained should you wish to view the Rollup at a later date. It is not used for any other purpose than to provide you with the Rollups service.

We never fetch or store the content of any other emails as a part of this process, and all email content is encrypted at rest in our database.

Three months after a Rollup is sent to you, any metadata, images, or contents associated with the Rollup are removed from our servers, with the exception of email counts and statistics.

If you delete your account, delete the Rollup, or remove a sender from the Rollup, then any email content or metadata we store related to the Rollup or the sender is deleted permanently.


When the Inbox Shield feature is enabled, and if the "block all" functionality is turned on, we fetch metadata of all senders who email you, until the feature is turned off or your account is deleted.

When the Inbox Shield feature is enabled, and if the "allow all" functionality is turned on, we fetch metadata only for senders who email you who appear on your active Blocklists, until the feature is turned off or your account is deleted.

The metadata includes to and from email addresses, subject line, dates and counts of how many times that sender has emailed you since you enabled the functionality.

This information is used solely for the purpose of providing the Inbox Shield Screener service, which allows you to control who is allowed to email you.

If the Inbox Shield feature is disabled, this metadata is retained (along with the action you asked us to perform on this sender), in case you would like to re-enable it in the future.

You can read more about the above on our security page.

Third parties

We don't share any user data publicly or with third-parties, except when required to by law. To date this has never been requested and we can't imagine why it would be.

We do use a few third-party scripts with whom we share non-personal data for the following purposes;

  1. Page view analytics (Simple Analytics)

  2. In-app support chat (Squarecat)

  3. Error handling (Sentry)

  4. Payment processing (Stripe)

  5. Infrastructure management (Datadog)

  6. Affiliate and refferals (Rewardful)

We have ensured that the respective privacy policies of these companies align with our own values.

External sources

Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.

To provide the unsubscription service we also occasionally display images to you that are fetched from external sites. The intention of these images is to show you if an particular unsubscribe was successful. However, we have no control over these images and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their content.

These images can only seen by you, unless you specifically share them with us for product improvement purposes. If you want us to remove a specific image from our systems then let us know.

To provide the Rollup service, we store and display email content that has been sent to you from an external source. This email content may contain images and hyperlinks that direct you to external websites. We are only displaying this information as it was received into your inbox, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for it's content, or any content of linked websites.

Open Startup statistics

We collect statistical information such as the total quantity of emails we have scanned and the total number of subscriptions that have been unsubscribed from. As well as various financial details.

This data does not contain any personal identifying information and is only stored as counts or percentages.

We periodically share this information publicly with our followers on social media for the sole purpose of documenting and sharing our successes and failures as an "open startup", for the benefit of others and to keep ourselves accountable.

You can see an example of what we do with this data on our open page .

We believe that by following these rules we can keep your data as safe as possible, but if you have any suggestions on how we can improve then let us know!

Your continued use of our website will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information. If you have any questions about how we handle any of our data, feel free to contact us.

This policy was last updated on the 8th April 2022.

Previous versions:

For accountability we keep the old versions of our privacy policy around to view here.

  1. 23rd July 2019

  2. 25th September 2019

  3. 17th October 2020

  4. 25th Feburary 2021 (diff)

  5. 8th April 2022 (diff)

  6. 24th August 2022 (diff)