How does Leave Me Alone compare to the competition?

The most popular Leave Me Alone alternatives compared for you. We want you to choose the best unsubscribing app - even if it's not us.

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When deciding on a service, think about...



What permissions are you granting? Is your data every going to be sold (even anonymized)? What third-party tools are being used, and are they safe?

broom sweeping image


Will you be unsubscribed instantly? Do you need another folder in your inbox? Will the emails be gone forever, even if you stop using the service?

private envelope image


Do you want to see all newsletters from all of your accounts together? Will a quality rating for subscriptions help you decide which emails to opt-out from?

"I looked far and wide for an unsubscribing service that wouldn't sell my data that I could just pay for. With so many security breaches these days I'm wary of free products that collect your data. Thankfully I came across Leave Me Alone!"

Cole Mercer, Project Management/Strategy Consultant

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