Five Email Productivity Tools That Will Change Your Life

In today's world of communication, email has become an indispensable tool, both in our personal and professional lives. However, with the constant barrage of new messages, staying on top of our inbox can often feel overwhelming.

Luckily, there are a variety of email productivity tools available to help streamline your workflow, boost efficiency, and reclaim control over your inbox. In this article, we'll explore five of our favorite email productivity tools that have the potential to significantly enhance your productivity. These tools are sure to revolutionize the way you work with email, no matter how you use your inbox. So, let's dive in and discover how these tools can change your life for the better.

FOR INBOX MANAGEMENT: Leave Me Alone Email Unsubscription Service

Price: FREE (One-Off and Premium Plans available)

Email overload is one of the biggest threats to workplace and personal productivity. An unmanageable inbox filled with emails that you don’t need to see can create serious overwhelm, disastrous to productivity. Our first recommendation for the best email productivity tools is applying a secure and privacy centric unsubscription service like Leave Me Alone.

Leave Me Alone enables you to see all your newsletters in one place and easily unsubscribe from unwanted mail within one dashboard in just moments. Unlike some unsubscription tools, Leave Me Alone will actually unsubscribe you from those emails, ensuring you never receive them again, even if you stop using the service. By using this tool to manage your subscriptions, you’re reducing your overall inbox processing time, lessening the volume of emails you sift through daily, and lowering potential SPAM/phishing risks.

Another useful email productivity service provided by Leave Me Alone is Rollups. This feature allows you to combine your favorite emails into a regular digest that you receive at a time you choose. By taking back control of when these emails hit your inbox, you'll find yourself less distracted throughout the day, able to assign the digest to a time when you have more free time, like your lunch break or commute.

One final feature offered by Leave Me Alone we’re going to mention is the Inbox Shield service. This tool enables you to easily screen which emails land directly in your inbox, helping you stay focused on what matters on your task list at that moment. The Inbox Screener gives you control of who can contact you. So if you receive an email from someone for the first time, you can decide if you want to continue receiving their emails or not. You can view your screened mail either on the Leave Me Alone website or within a daily email so you won’t miss anything important.

Leave Me Alone is compatible with all major email services with simple integrations. You can connect as many email accounts as you like to ensure your personal and professional inboxes work equally efficiently. Plus, the service is fully secure, only asking for the permissions it needs to operate, never storing any content of your emails or selling any data for marketing purposes.


Price: FREE (Premium and Professional Plans Available)

Did you know that over 50% of British people don’t know how to use an apostrophe correctly? If you’re one of the 50%, you’re going to love Grammarly. Since its launch in 2009, it quickly became one of the most popular AI-led email productivity tools due to its ability to assist individuals in creating and maintaining a professional level of email communication

Think of Grammarly as a superior version of spell check; it catches grammatical errors, typos, and punctuation mistakes in your email correspondence that you might have otherwise missed as you were typing your daily responses. The premium service offers an enhanced package, including recommendations for condensing sentences and clarifying sentences where necessary. The browser extension can be used across most browsers and in any web-based email app.

FOR ANALYTICS: EmailAnalytics

Price: From $15 per month per email address

All strategies to improve productivity should be rooted in data, and EmailAnalytics provides that data. It is one of the best email productivity apps for providing users with useful insights into their email habits. By providing this data, it enables users to revolutionize their email communication.

What insights does EmailAnalytics provide? Well, you can see heaps of data like average response time and the volume of messages sent/received by a particular address, and it turns this into digestible visual information in the form of graphs and charts. However, the productivity hack comes from the insights it provides on how to reduce email time based on that data.

Using a tool like EmailAnalytics in conjunction with an email unsubscription management service like Leave Me Alone enables you to action many of those recommendations.


Price: FREE (Premium and Professional Plans Available)

Todoist is the world’s favorite task manager app. Whether you’re using it professionally or personally, or both, Todoist is an excellent productivity tool to help you manage your task list. The app is a cloud-based service and will work across all your devices, tracking your progress (and therefore productivity) and analyzing the results.

How does this tie in with email productivity? Well, you can turn your emails into Todoist tasks simply by forwarding them to a project. The subject line of the email becomes the task name, and the body of the email is added to the comment. For some people, if they can’t reply to an email immediately, they’ll then forward it to Todoist where it becomes one of many tasks they aim to achieve that day. Within the app, you can give it a due date, priority level, and set reminders.

Todoist enables you to let your email become what it’s best at: a communication platform and source of updates rather than another home for your task list.


Price: FREE (Premium and Professional Plans Available)

If you’re all about creating efficiencies and embracing new technologies, then Ellie might just be the tool for you. Ellie will write perfect email replies 100 times faster than you ever could, saving you hours of effort each day. Ellie will write professional, bespoke emails and responses in your tone of voice and style. She will learn from your writing style and create replies to your emails as though they were written by you. It’s a multi-faceted service used for a variety of reasons. Users apply Ellie to their email processes to help with productivity, overcome reply anxiety, or as a tool to assist with dyslexia.

Make Life Easier With The Best Email Productivity Tools

So, those are just five of our favorite email productivity apps to make your life and daily tasks simpler. If you choose to add even one of these game-changing email productivity tools into your daily routine, you’ll be freeing up potentially hours each day that you can reassign to other parts of your life or work. We recommend using these tools alongside your regular daily email best practices to maintain an organized inbox. That combination will guarantee you spend less time on your email each day.