We now support all Microsoft accounts, have lightning fast scans, and let you see the worst spammers

Cover photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

Since our launch on Product Hunt at the end of January, James and I have been busy bees adding features and making lots of improvements.

The most requested feature by far was support for more email providers, and we listened.

We're super excited to announce that we now support Outlook!!! You can now login with any Microsoft email account including Outlook, Office 365, Hotmail, Windows Live, and MSN, to clean out even more unwanted subscription emails! 🎉

Sign in with Outlook!

Plus we have added several new features to make Leave Me Alone even better and easier to use:

Lightning fast scans

As we continue to grow we needed to make some performance improvements. Scans now run super fast, and more reliably than before - even for those big inboxes!

See the worst spammers

You can now see exactly how many emails you have received from a sender for your scan period, and identify who the "spammiest" senders are. This is James' favourite new feature!

See how many emails each mailing list sent to you

Spam folder scanning

We already scanned your trash and now we also scan your spam folder so you can really clear out absolutely all of your subscription emails and get an even cleaner inbox!

Include emails in your spam

Plus a few changes and fixes:

  • Added preference to opt out of marketing emails
  • Negative numbers on the open page showing with two minus signs
  • Some emails from name or email address not matching our expected format

Leave Me Alone would not be the helping as many people today without your input and continued feedback. Thank you so much for following our journey!

Don’t forget to vote for the next feature you want to see us build on our public roadmap https://leavemealone.app/roadmap

As always, please reach out on Twitter if you have any questions, feedback, suggestions, or want to say hello.

Enjoy your clean inbox!

Danielle & James